Users | Communication Methods

1) Preferred communication methods
2) Set up the preferred method of communication (selected methods)
3) Bulk user changes



The Sandbox Account


1) Preferred communication methods

Preferred communication methods refer to the way that an employee wishes to be contacted through Easy Employer (EE). This can be set to either SMS and/or email.

A user can navigate to the communications page to set a preferred communication method. This will ensure that the user receives messages.

This function is available at any time when using EE. Typically this function would be used during the initial setup of users.


NOTE: Choosing a communication method only applies to "roster/shift" and "employee-related" communications. If a user is on a permission set other than "employee" then they will receive messaging that is administrative in nature. If the "manager/non-employee permission set" user would like to receive no sms comms whatsoever then their mobile phone number should be removed from EE. If you would like to test what user permissions receive what sms messages you can test this in your sandbox account (refer to the RELATED ARTICLES section).


2) Set up the preferred method of communication (selected methods)

Each employee can be configured to receive roster communications by email and/or SMS. This is what is known as the selected method.

To set the preferred method for a user:

  1. Click Organisation.
  2. Click Users.
  3. Click Communication. The user accounts will be displayed.
    From here you can edit employees email addresses and mobile numbers.
  4. Click Actions (icon to the right of the Status column) on the row of the user you'd like to make changes to.
  5. Click Edit.
  6. You can edit the email address, the mobile number, and select which to use as the default method of communication for that particular user.
    • If you would like your employees to receive correspondence by email, tick the box in the Use Email column in line with their name.
    • If you would like your employees to receive correspondence by SMS tick the box in the Use SMS column in line with their name.
    • If you would like your employees to receive correspondence by SMS and Email click both boxes.
  7. Once you have made your changes/selections, click Actions again and click Save.

When any changes are made to roster shifts, after the roster is published, the employee will be informed using the methods chosen above.

When publishing and communicating the roster, and selected methods is chosen, the methods chosen above will be used.


3) Bulk user changes

To make changes to multiple users at once:

  1. Navigate to the users communication page as described in steps 1-3 above.
  2. Click Bulk user access.
  3. The User access settings page displays.
    In this page you can quickly edit the settings for multiple users.
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