Users | Show Users' Age on the To Do List

1) The birthday reminder
2) Turn on/off the age on the reminders at Organisation Level (all users)
3) Turn on/off the age on the reminders at User Level



Home | The To Do List


1) Overview

The birthday reminder in Easy Employer notifies managers when an employee has a birthday. 

The age of a user on the birthday To Do List reminder can be turned on/off for the whole organisation or for a specific user(s).


2) Turn on/off the age on the reminders at Organisation Level (all users)

  1. Click Organisation.
  2. Click Settings.
  3. Click Rules.
  4. Under General Rules, scroll down to Other.
  5. Click Edit on the rule Show a user's age in the birthday reminder todo.
  6. Ticked = Yes / unticked = No.
    Click Save.


3) Turn on/off the age on the reminders at User Level

  1. Click Organisation.
  2. Click Users.
  3. Click the user (e.g., Joe Bloggs).
  4. Click Rules.
  5. Under General Rules, scroll down to Other.
  6. Click Edit on the rule Show a user's age in the birthday reminder todo.
  7. Ticked = Yes / unticked = No.
    Click Save.
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