1) Overview
2) Set a default shift time for all users
3) Set the Default Shift Time for a single employee
Timesheets | Rules and Functions
1) Overview
The Default Shift Time is a rule that you can set to define a default start and end time for a shift. This can be set up for the whole organisation or only for particular users.
NOTE: The Default Shift Time format is 24-hour time (e.g. 13:00 = 1:00 pm). Setting an end time earlier than the start time will set the end time to the next day.
Using the default shift time is recommended to reduce the time it takes to add shifts in situations where for instance, a staff member may work regular hours each day.
For example "John" may work from 11:00 am - 3:00 pm everyday. You can set his Default Shift Start Time to 11:00, and his Default Shift End Time to 15:00, and when you create the shift in the timesheet, values will default to those set.
2) Set a default shift time for all users
- Click Organisation.
- Click Settings.
- Select Rules on the sidebar.
- Under General Rules, edit the Default shift start time and the Default shift end time.
Set these rules as required by clicking on Edit or double-clicking the value. Save the changes.
i) Test Default Shift Time settings
- Open the timesheet and create a shift for any user that inherits their rules from the Organisation.
- The shift values will default to those set.
3) Set a default shift time for a user
- Click Organisation.
- Click Users.
- Select the user you wish to change the rules for.
- Select Rules on the sidebar.
- Under General Rules, edit the Default shift start time and the Default shift end time.
Set these rules as required by clicking on Edit or double-clicking the value. Save the changes.
i) Test Default Shift Time settings
- Open the timesheet and create a shift for that particular user.
- The shift values will default to those set.