Timesheets | Approve / Finalise Timesheets

1) The Easy Employer Warning System
2) Approve Shifts
4) Finalise timesheets



Timesheets | Add / Edit Shifts
Payroll | Finalise Payroll Period + Export Pay Run


1) The Easy Employer Warning System

  1. The inbuilt warning system in Easy Employer is designed to bring to your attention any possible issues or anomalies the system has found when comparing the timesheet shift to the roster shift.
  2. These warnings are based on your business rules and thresholds. The following are some examples of warnings from business rules:
    • a user started their shift significantly early or late,
    • a user ended their shift significantly early or late,
    • a user forgot to clock in or out of their shift on time,
    • a user did not clock out for a break during their shift,
    • a user worked a shift on a day when they were not rostered to.

The timesheet shifts will need to be approved and the timesheet finalised before payroll processing can occur.
Timesheet actual shifts are best approved on a daily basis reducing the overhead of completing your timesheet at the end of the period.


2) Approve shifts

To begin open the timesheet that needs to be checked

  1. Look for any shift with a warning symbol and click on the warning symbol.
  2. All warnings for the actual shift are now displayed. Go through each one and decide whether you want to remove the warning by clicking Ignore Warning or action the warning by clicking β€˜HERE’.
  3. Repeat the above steps for all warnings.
  4. Shifts need to be approved before you can finalise the timesheet.
  5. Shifts can be approved in following ways:
    • Individually by clicking on the shift and then Approve.
    • A whole day - by clicking the cog icon at the bottom of the timesheet corresponding to the day, and then Approve shifts.
    • A whole week - by clicking the cog icon at the right of the timesheet corresponding to the employee Approve shifts.
    • The whole timesheet - by clicking the cog icon at the bottom right of the timesheet, and then Approve shifts.
  6. Once all shifts have been approved on the timesheet, you can now finalise the timesheet.


NOTE: Any clocked shift, without a warning, will be marked as approved when the timesheet is finalised.


4) Finalise timesheets

Once all the warnings have been addressed, the Finalise Timesheet button (padlock icon) becomes active.

  1. Click Finalise Timesheet.
  2. Review the timesheet summary for Payroll Warnings. It is recommended that all the payroll warnings get addressed before finalising the timesheet.
  3. Once reviewed, click Finalise timesheet.
    The timesheet finalisation process has now been completed.

If you are responsible for payroll, you can now go ahead and proceed with the next step of your payroll process.

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