Leave | Calculation / Shift Length Troubleshooting

1) Hours display as 0 hours
2) Leave request doesn't match rostered hours



Payroll | Set Standard Days & Minimum Daily Hours
Payroll | Set Minimum & Maximum Hours For An Employee


1) Hours display as 0 hours

i) Issue

When submitting or approving a leave request the estimated hours may display as 0 hours.


This could occur if the leave request is set to a day the user would not typically work. If it is a day the user would normally work then the issue resides with the 'Standard daily hours'. This issue is an indication that the 'Standard daily hours' have either been incorrectly allocated or not set.


ii) Solution

Not all users will be able to resolve this issue on their own and this may need to be escalated to the appropriate person within the organisation. Standard daily hours will need to be adjusted before the leave request is submitted to ensure the values automatically generate (or this can be manually edited in the timesheet).

To adjust the 'Standard daily hours' please consult the guide located here.


iii) 0 hours on the timesheet

Users may also experience a similar issue when leave is generated on the same day that a user works. For instance, the user has worked their normal hours and a leave request was submitted. In this case the leave shift has generated 0 hours as the standard hours have been fulfilled by the worked shift.

Another way this could manifest is if the user worked part of the day and then requested leave for the remainder of the day. In that case the leave shift would display the remaining standard hours value (if standard hours = 7.6 and the worked shift was 4 hours then the leave shift would generate for 3.6 hours).

Another way this could manifest is if the user already has a leave shift on the day that fulfills the users standard hours.


2) Leave request doesn't match rostered hours

i) Issue

The system estimates less hours when submitting a request for leave to match a rostered shift.

Rostered hours:


Leave request:



When putting leave to match a rostered shift, if the systems estimates the leave to be different to the total number of hours requested, (e.g. 7.6 hr instead of 8 hr), this may be due to the user's maximum daily hours setting, as the leave shift will be automatically limited to the maximum hours set for that user.


ii) Solution

To resolve the issue, you can update the users maximum daily hours as required:

  1. Open the users pay group screen.
  2. Update the maximum daily hours value as required.
  3. Save the pay group.

You can also do this in the users pay group:

  1. Open the users pay group.
  2. Edit the pay group.
  3. Update the maximum daily hours value as required.
  4. Save the pay group.

Detailed information can be found here.


TIP: You can use sandbox to test these changes before applying them on the live environment.

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